Glass vase suitable for growing flowers 2

Spring is here and everything is recovering. Should we also add a touch of green to the interior? A few bottles of glass flower arrangements are also unique.Let's take a look at the flower arrangement in a glass vase

4. Roses

Roses are synonymous with romance. Most people who like courtship confession will send roses. The received roses can be placed in a glass vase, which makes people feel bright when looking at it.

5. Green dill

The green dill is a vine-climbing foliage flower. It has good ornamental value and can purify the air. The water cultivation is also very simple. It is guaranteed to change the water every 2-3 days and survive with a small amount of nutrients. It is very suiTable to be placed in a glass vase. On the counter.

There are many other flowers suitable for growing glass vases. It is recommended to place the glass vases in the living room after the flowers are arranged. Not only is it helpful to freshen the air, but it also gives people a sense of freshness in terms of visual effects.


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